Export Planning​

Export Planning – Look before you leap!

If you’re an Exporter or planning to become one – you need to have an Export Plan. It’s simple common sense.

We have over the years helped many, many clients with their export planning and strategies.

We have prepared and developed plans for all types of clients in all industries.

Stuart has been a past judge for the Australian Export Awards and has presented to Austrade staff on how to write export plans for clients.

We know what is needed, and just as important, what is not, to give one the greatest chance of export success.

We can prepare an export plan for you or just review what you have prepared, on a fee for service basis.

You tell us what you want, and we’ll provide a fixed price for you and deliver what you want on time and in the fashion that you require.

We have a range of specific industry contacts we draw upon for the specific industry knowledge we lack, but in the meantime we ask you what you know and do not know, first and foremost.

Like any good consultant we ask questions of you first before we give you our answers:

  • Do you have a website that indicates who you are and what are trying to promote and sell?
  • Have you already made sales in Australia or overseas or can you present what you will sell?
  • What do you think is your competitive advantage / unique selling proposition?
  • Time, capacity, resources, cashflow to manage and fund your export efforts, forecasts?
  • Barriers to entry (hurdles) that you are aware of or may need to know
  • Market entry strategy per market or worldwide
 We will prepare a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) for your intended/actual export efforts and the required strategies to implement them in a simple and easy to read fashion as well as key milestones to judge your performance overtime.

Export Planning – Now a “Government Must have”.

To access EMDG post July 1, 2021, you will need an export plan, it has now become a statutory must have!

It is no longer called an Export Plan – but a “Plan to Market”.

All EMDG applicants will need show a Plan to Market for years 1 – 5 (Tiers 1 and 2 $40,000 to $80,000) and those wishing to access additional funding in years 6 – 8 (Tier 3 – $150,000) you will need to be able to demonstrate a “Strategic Shift” in your export efforts.

You will need to answer and supply documentation for the following key EMDG assessment criteria:

  • Why are you undertaking marketing in overseas markets?
  • What are your export goals?
  • How will you measure success?
  • What is your overall budget for the next 2-3 years? – depends on your EMDG Tier status.
  • Where are your customers located and what are the market demographics?
  • What are your planned marketing activities?
We will work with you to have your required answers to the above EMDG assessment questions. 
We have “Plan to Market” and financial forecasts templates to help answer some of the above with the minimum of fuss.
Our costs for doing so are included in our normal EMDG application preparation fee.

Strategic Shift – what is it?

To access the higher funding pool as a Tier 3 EMDG applicant, you must be able to demonstrate a strategic shift and expansion in your export marketing efforts.

“Strategic Shift” is the term used in the new EMDG Act/rules with no definition.

You need to look at the common place meaning for each to determine what is required.

Strategy – A general direction set for a company and its various components to achieve a desired state in the future.

Shift – a change in place, position, or direction e.g. a shift in the wind, a change in emphasis or attitude, a shift in priorities.

You must be doing something new in terms of your export efforts, a change in direction as well as an increase in your marketing spend.

It could be:

  • A change in targeted markets, country, customer type, method of selling
  • A new product or service
  • A new method of promotion
Your Plan to Market must record/demonstrate that your planned marketing activities will support your new strategy(s). Both must be in sync with each other.
By engaging with us, we can advise if you are able to access Tier 3 status (more money) or not.
Ready to go?
Get in touch.