Our Services

Export Assistance

We act as the lodgement agent for exporters who wish to apply for the Export Market Development Grant. The grant process is one based on the Export Market Development Grants (EMDG) Act and is administered by the Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade).

The EMDG Scheme encourages Australian exporters to develop overseas markets for goods, services (including tourism services) and intellectual property and know-how, which are manufactured, provided or developed in Australia. The scheme provides 50% reimbursement  of eligible overseas marketing costs up to various capped amounts depending on one’s status in the scheme & government policy in force at the times of applying.

The EMDG Act has been in existence since 1976 and has been amended regularly since its beginnings. Some of the rules & regulations have real bite to them and there are common traps for new players to avoid. That’s where Mitchell & Co’s experience comes to the fore.

Our success is based on the fact that we know what we are doing. Our extensive experience in our field lets us:

  • Prevent the risk of failure of the grant not being paid, to the best of our ability
  • Get your grant paid as quickly as possible, subject to Austrade processing, and
  • Maximise your grant return, as we achieve higher returns than self-lodged applications

Mitchell & Co undertake the EMDG application process from cradle to grave. We are here to assist you through the entire process until completion and payment.


Mitchell & Co’s Process

  • Determine your eligibility under the rules of the program.
  • Identify the risk areas for your application and ensure practices and systems are put in place to resolve any issues.
  • Agreement of our appointment and fee arrangement.
  • Provide advice on expenditure claimable and non-claimable under the program.
  • Assist in the collation of the records via access to both your computer based accounting systems and manual records. We won’t cut down a forest of trees to stack into your photocopier.
  • Process your information (yes, we will accept your expense records in shoe boxes) and prepare a draft grant application which is then sent via email to you for review and signature.
  • We electronically lodge the application and all supporting documentation on your behalf.
  • We attend to any assessment or audit requirements.
  • If the grant is not approved we discuss further options to prepare and lodge a request for a second independent review with Austrade.

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