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Mitco Client Success Story

We love a good Exporter success story, especially during these challenging times!

We recently spotted our Clients Julie and Paul Kos in the ABC News.

They run The Smoked Egg Company from their farm (of some 5,000 laying hens!) near Geelong and do exactly that – smoked fresh eggs.

From experimenting with a smoker bought for their wedding anniversary, years later they’ve managed to create a world-first product praised by Chefs of top restaurants around Australia.

Julie and Paul have travelled to Dubai and Japan, attending trade events to promote their product. The Company also holds the World Patent for the advanced smoking technique that stops the ageing process and bacteria growth in eggs. 

The EMDG assistance has helped the business to continue developing and growing these export markets and we wish them all the best in their ongoing efforts.

Now we think that’s a smoking good success story!

To read the full article via the ABC website, click the link below:

Victorian farmers create world’s first cold-smoked egg

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